Customer Service Skills That Lead to Customer Satisfaction

Customer Service Skills That Lead to Customer Satisfaction As a customer service professional, what can you do to enhance customer satisfaction and build a lasting relationship with your customers? If you answered “improve your customer service skills and knowledge,” you are correct. Unfortunately, many managers and their organizations do not take the time to invest … Read more

Preparing Customer Service Representatives

Preparing Customer Service Representatives Preparing customer service representatives in the twenty-first century has become a prime strategic initiative in many organizations. That is because they face many challenges in achieving customer satisfaction, increasing customer retention and building customer loyalty that their predecessors did not experience. Technology continues to move at a break-neck pace, while the world economy … Read more

Three Proven Strategies that Build Customer Loyalty

Three Proven Strategies that Build Customer Loyalty Most organizations struggle to find ways in which they can build customer loyalty and reduce customer churn. Many of these companies spend large amounts of money and time creating costly reward programs, sending out expensive marketing materials, and investing in expensive customer relationship management systems. While each of … Read more

Building Customer Relationships Leads to Customer Satisfaction

Building Customer Relationships Leads to Customer Satisfaction When was the last time that you had a positive, memorable customer service experience at a bank, store, laundry or other organization? In an age when technology-based service dominates many aspects of business, many organizations have lost the ability to make customers feel special and appreciated. Smart managers and … Read more

Gaining Customer Loyalty

Gaining Customer Loyalty Gaining customer loyalty and getting repeat business is crucial for organizational success in today’s global business world. Too many managers and small business owners do not recognize that customer loyalty are not just about competitive pricing and product line offerings. With competition being literally a mouse click away, the differentiator between companies … Read more

Serving Customers from Different Cultures

Serving Customers from Different Cultures Customer service representatives in the United States (U.S.) are often not prepared for the challenges of serving customers from different cultures. This is especially true related to understanding other cultural values and effectively communicating. This is often because many people have never traveled outside the borders of the Continental U.S., nor have … Read more

Making Customer Service a Strategic Organizational Initiative

Making Customer Service a Strategic Organizational Initiative In case you have not been paying attention in recent years, many time-honored national and international organizations have disappeared or are struggling to remain competitive. In most instances, this can be attributed to the fact that managers and executives have not effectively predicted societal changes. To compound the … Read more

4 Customer Service Skills That Can Help Enhance Customer Satisfaction

4 Customer Service Skills That Can Help Enhance Customer Satisfaction Effective customer service skills that can help enhance customer satisfaction are important for every employee in an organization. However, they are crucial for front-line customer service representatives who are the first contact point for customers. Today’s customer contacts come from many sources: Face-to-face. Over the telephone. Via … Read more

Delivering Excellent Customer Service as Part of a Service Culture

Delivering Excellent Customer Service as Part of a Service Culture Delivering excellent customer service as part of a service culture has become a pivotal determinant in the global competition between organizations. As the world has gotten smaller because of geopolitical changes, trade agreements, personal mobility, and connections via technology, the way that companies provide customer … Read more

Is Customer Service Week the Best Time to Show Customer Appreciation?

Is Customer Service Week the Best Time to Show Customer Appreciation? Have you noticed how many articles and references are flying around stores and on the Internet regarding the importance of Customer Service Week? Service providers are wearing shirts and hats and articles abound on blogs and on various business sites stressing the importance of customer … Read more

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