Brand and Customer Loyalty Is Earned Not Given Freely

Brand and Customer Loyalty Is Earned Not Given Freely Consumer behavior and spending habits, customer needs, wants and expectations and customer satisfaction levels change constantly. There can be wide differences in the way that customers perceive an item or event when seeking services and products depending on diversity factors, such as, age, gender, race, ethnic … Read more

Effective Verbal Communication Can Lead To Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention

Effective Verbal Communication Can Lead To Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention You may have heard that the expression is sometimes not what you, but how you say it that makes a difference. Nothing is truer when you are dealing with a multi-cultural, diverse customer base. In many situations, when customer service breaks down it can often … Read more

Motivational Customer Service Quote – Roger Staubach

Motivational Customer Service Quote – Roger Staubach Customer service jobs can be stressful. Sometimes having to satisfy the needs, wants and expectations of dozens of diverse customers in a day can start to wear on even seasoned customer service representatives and other organizational employees. The key to success in the service industry is to keep a … Read more

Effective Customer Communication Quote – George Ross

Effective Customer Communication Quote – George Ross “To be successful, you have to be able to relate to people; they have to be satisfied with your personality to be able to do business with you and to build a relationship of mutual trust.” George Ross The ability to build and maintain solid relationships, and ultimately … Read more

Impact of Values and Beliefs on Customer Service

Impact of Values and Beliefs on Customer Service Values are based on the deeply held beliefs of a culture or subculture. These beliefs might be founded in religion, politics, or group mores. They drive thinking and actions and are so powerful that they have served as the basis for arguments, conflicts, and wars for hundreds … Read more

Successfully Addressing Diversity as a Service Provider

Successfully Addressing Diversity as a Service Provider As the world grows smaller economically and otherwise through world trade, international travel, outsourcing and off shoring of jobs, worldwide Internet access, international partnerships between organizations and technologically transmitted information exchange, the likelihood that you will have contact as a customer service provider with people from other cultures, … Read more

Customer Service Skills for Success

Customer Service Skills for Success – Tips for Delivering Excellent Customer Service In one of my books, Customer Service: Skills for Success, I feature how-to strategies on topics for customer service representatives that can assist in moving from good customer service to excellent customer service delivery. By applying strategies found in the text, customer service professionals can enhance … Read more

Powerful Strategies for Strong Internal Customer Relationships

Powerful Strategies for Strong Internal Customer Relationships Internal customers are organizational or contracted employees to whom you provide information, products, and services. These people typically use what you offer to deliver service to their customers. Unfortunately, many employees fail to realize the importance of developing powerful strategies for building and maintaining strong internal customer relationships. … Read more

Customer Service Excellence Quote – Tony Alessandra

Customer Service Excellence Quote – Tony Alessandra “Good customer service is hard to find today.” How many times have you heard that statement? As a service provider (and we all are in any organization of more than one person since we all have internal customers), your goal should be to prepare to deliver excellent customer service … Read more

Strengthening Customer Relationships With Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Strengthening Customer Relationships Strong Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills Can Make the Difference! We live in an era in which people from all over the world come together in various situations throughout any given day. They bring with them individual experiences, education levels, cultural and personal backgrounds, preferences, opinions, and perspectives. Any or all of these … Read more

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