Nonverbal Customer Communication Strategies

Nonverbal Customer Communication Strategies As a customer service professional, it is impossible for you to “not” send nonverbal messages to your customers. They are evaluating you based on your posture, facial expressions, height, body type and condition, skin color, complexion, clothing, jewelry, and many other nonverbal cues. Your goal should be to eliminate communication barriers … Read more

Two Elements of Effective Customer Communication

Two Elements of Effective Customer Communication Two key elements in making your interactions with customers successful are to recognize how you tend to communicate and understanding how the communication process works. It is up to each customer service representative, and other employees in any organization, to take responsibility for developing his or her communication skills … Read more

Provide the Best Customer Service Possible

Provide the Best Customer Service Possible Providing the best customer service possible means that you do everything in your power to ensure that your customer’s needs, wants and expectations are met. Obviously, there are going to be times when challenges arise in service delivery, but that should not stop you from looking for practical and equitable … Read more

Customer Attitudes Are Affecting Service Delivery

Customer Attitudes Are Affecting Service Delivery Companies today are struggling with not just providing a good or excellent customer service. They now are searching for ways to provide the best customer service possible in order to stay competitive in a globally competitive marketplace. One of the biggest challenges for many organizations is that customer behavior … Read more

The Role of Eye Contact in Customer Service in a Diverse World

The Role of Eye Contact in Customer Service in a Diverse World It has been said that the eyes are “the windows to the soul.” Eye contact is very powerful. This is why criminal investigators are often taught to observe eye movement in order to help determine whether a suspect is being truthful or not. … Read more

Four Tips for Delivering Customer Service in a Diverse World

Four Tips for Delivering Customer Service in a Diverse World The world is much smaller than it was several decades ago. More expendable income, ease of travel and technology have closed the distance and communication gaps that were formerly in place. As a result, you are likely to encounter customers from various cultures and backgrounds … Read more

Customer Service Skills for Success

Customer Service Skills for Success – Tips for Delivering Excellent Customer Service In one of my books, Customer Service: Skills for Success, I feature how-to strategies on topics for customer service representatives that can assist in moving from good customer service to excellent customer service delivery. By applying strategies found in the text, customer service professionals can enhance … Read more

Successfully Addressing Diversity as a Service Provider

Successfully Addressing Diversity as a Service Provider As the world grows smaller economically and otherwise through world trade, international travel, outsourcing and off shoring of jobs, worldwide Internet access, international partnerships between organizations and technologically transmitted information exchange, the likelihood that you will have contact as a customer service provider with people from other cultures, … Read more

Quote on Change – Charles Darwin

Quote on Change – Charles Darwin Change is constant in the world. This is especially true in the customer service profession. Recent decades have seen the advent of computerized and technology-based service delivery, shifts in economies, an evolving diverse customer population and many other factors that have required service providers and organizations to adapt. Some … Read more

Impact of Demographics on Consumer Spending

Impact of Demographics on Consumer Spending The world is shrinking as millions of consumers from various cultures and demographic backgrounds come together. In an age of lightning-fast technology and the ability to get onto a plane in the morning and be in another country within twenty-four hours, the likelihood that a customer service representative will … Read more

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