Customer Service Quote – Kate Zabriskie

Customer Service Quote – Kate Zabriskie All customer service representatives and others in their organization play an integral part in ensuring that they deliver the best possible customer service. Each person is responsible for having current product and service knowledge and skills in order to answer questions and resolve customer related issues as they surface. … Read more

The Role of Trust in Customer Service

The Role of Trust in Customer Service Trust is at the heart of any customer-provider relationship, especially when there is an exchange of money for products or services. For a customer to hand over his or her hard-earned cash to you and your organization typically takes a bit of persuasion through advertising or word-of-mouth endorsements … Read more

Three Tips to Enhance Customer Service

Three Tips to Enhance Customer Service Many things interfere with a customer service representative’s ability to effectively deliver customer service and help build customer and brand loyalty by increasing their satisfaction levels. Here are three tips for effectively dealing with potential problem areas that can interfere with your ability to provide the best customer service. These techniques … Read more

Two Tips for Building Strong Customer Relationships

Two Tips for Building Strong Customer Relationships Customers like doing business with those who understand them and their needs and go out of their way to deliver timely and quality services and products at a fair price. This can lead to consumer satisfaction and that is a big factor for many customers in remaining loyal … Read more

Strengthening Customer Communication

Strengthening Customer Communication Customers who feel that they have an active role and control of a service-provider interaction often feel more important and valued. Improved interpersonal communication can lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and retention and reduced stress for you and your co-workers. Take advantage of the following strategies to build stronger relationships … Read more

Do You Feel That Fast Food Chain’s Prices Are Reasonable?

Do You Feel That Fast Food Chain’s Prices Are Reasonable? Have you ever suspected that what you pay is not what is always advertised on the menus at McDonald’s and Burger King restaurants? In recent weeks, I have visited several McDonald’s and Burger King fast-food restaurants. Generally, I have not had a problem, but on … Read more

Non-Verbal Communication Tips

Nonverbal Communication Tips – The Importance of Gestures in Customer Communication Never underestimate the power of nonverbal communication when interacting with your customers or others. The issue is so important that entire books have been written on the topic. This article provides some nonverbal communication tips related to gesturing that you may want to consider … Read more

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