Nonverbal Communication That Can Impact Customer Relationships

Nonverbal Communication That Can Impact Customer Relationships There are many ways in which customer service representatives communicate with customers face-to-face and via technology. One of the most powerful techniques is through nonverbal cues or messages they send subconsciously. Often these unspoken messages are more powerful than those delivered through words. The following chart indicates some common … Read more

Recovering from Customer Service Breakdowns

Recovering from Customer Service Breakdowns Customers are better educated and have access to a more competitive product and service information that at any time in history. The result is that when they contact a customer service representative, they have specific wants, needs, and expectations. When their preconceived ideas are not met, service breakdowns are likely … Read more

Four Tips for Delivering Customer Service in a Diverse World

Four Tips for Delivering Customer Service in a Diverse World The world is much smaller than it was several decades ago. More expendable income, ease of travel and technology have closed the distance and communication gaps that were formerly in place. As a result, you are likely to encounter customers from various cultures and backgrounds … Read more

Telephone Etiquette Sends a Powerful Customer Service Message

Telephone Etiquette Sends a Powerful Customer Service Message There is no excuse for poor telephone etiquette or lack of professionalism when you answer the phone as a representative of your organization. Take the time to plan your approach BEFORE a customer calls so that when you receive a call, you are prepared to positively impress … Read more

Impact of Demographics on Consumer Spending

Impact of Demographics on Consumer Spending The world is shrinking as millions of consumers from various cultures and demographic backgrounds come together. In an age of lightning-fast technology and the ability to get onto a plane in the morning and be in another country within twenty-four hours, the likelihood that a customer service representative will … Read more

Customer Service Strategies That Aid Customer Satisfaction and Retention

Customer Service Strategies That Aid Customer Satisfaction and Retention It seems like many organizations are spending a lot of time, effort and money try to impress or “wow” customers, rather than focusing on solid strategies for simply giving them what they want and expect. Unfortunately, a lot of people I know tell me that they … Read more

Customer Service Skills for Success

Customer Service Skills for Success – Tips for Delivering Excellent Customer Service In one of my books, Customer Service: Skills for Success, I feature how-to strategies on topics for customer service representatives that can assist in moving from good customer service to excellent customer service delivery. By applying strategies found in the text, customer service professionals can enhance … Read more

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