The Cost of Poor Customer Service

The Cost of Poor Customer Service A recent experience with Century Link recently validated what I regularly tell customer service workshop participants and readers of my customer service books. I thought I’d share it with you along with customer service success tips that can improve customer service in any organization. To reduce expenses, I decided to … Read more

Strong Customer Relations Result From Excellent Customer Service

Strong Customer Relations Result From Excellent Customer Service Providing excellent customer service should be the goal of everyone in your organization, not just front line customer service representatives. Ultimately, customer satisfaction and customer retention are about how well you care about your job and the quality of customer service you provide. By working closely with … Read more

Customer Satisfaction Quotes

Customer Satisfaction Quotes Customer satisfaction is a result of addressing the needs, wants and expectations of your customers. Many customer service representatives and others in their organizations forget that service is a relationship proposition. By establishing rapport with each person with whom you come into contact, and communicating on a one-to-one basis, you can effectively … Read more

Avoiding Customer Service Breakdowns

Avoiding Customer Service Breakdowns There are a number of things that you might do as a customer service representative that can irritate customers or cause them to form a negative opinion of your or your organization. Remember that your goal should be to project a professional presence, help create a positive service culture and provide the … Read more

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