Customer Attitudes Are Affecting Service Delivery

Customer Attitudes Are Affecting Service Delivery Companies today are struggling with not just providing a good or excellent customer service. They now are searching for ways to provide the best customer service possible in order to stay competitive in a globally competitive marketplace. One of the biggest challenges for many organizations is that customer behavior … Read more

Recovering from Customer Service Breakdowns

Recovering from Customer Service Breakdowns Customers are better educated and have access to a more competitive product and service information that at any time in history. The result is that when they contact a customer service representative, they have specific wants, needs, and expectations. When their preconceived ideas are not met, service breakdowns are likely … Read more

Telephone Etiquette Sends a Powerful Customer Service Message

Telephone Etiquette Sends a Powerful Customer Service Message There is no excuse for poor telephone etiquette or lack of professionalism when you answer the phone as a representative of your organization. Take the time to plan your approach BEFORE a customer calls so that when you receive a call, you are prepared to positively impress … Read more

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