Generating Positive Customer and Brand Loyalty

Generating Positive Customer and Brand Loyalty Customers are your reason for existing as an employee. They are also the key element in your organization’s success. For that reason, customer service representatives must consciously go out of your way to identify and anticipate their needs, then address them in an expedient and professional manner. Just because … Read more

Three Simple Strategies To Encourage Customer and Brand Loyalty

Three Simple Strategies To Encourage Customer and Brand Loyalty Customer service representatives and all other employees in the organization should have one goal in mind when interacting with other…building stronger customer-service provider relationships. The global economy of today is dominated by technology. That puts your competitors from around the world only one mouse click away … Read more

Three Tips for Developing Customer and Brand Loyalty

Three Tips for Developing Customer and Brand Loyalty Companies and customer service representatives are always looking for ways to develop a service culture that can increase customer and brand loyalty in today’s global competitive business environment. By exhibiting basic customer service skills and delivering excellent customer service with each customer-provider encounter, the chances that a customer … Read more

Excellent Customer Service Strengthens Customer Relationships and Leads to Brand Loyalty

Excellent Customer Service Strengthens Customer Relationships and Leads to Brand Loyalty Excellent customer service strengthens customer relationships and leads to brand loyalty. When organizations attain a high degree of brand recognition and a reputation for providing quality products and services at a competitive price while going above and beyond their customers’ expectations, they are typically … Read more

Customer Satisfaction Helps Build Brand and Customer Loyalty

Customer Satisfaction Helps Build Brand and Customer Loyalty To be successful as a customer service representative, it is important that you recognize that consumer behavior has changed in the past decade or so, and that this impacts your customer’s needs, wants and expectations. There are several important things you can do to provide customer satisfaction and … Read more

Brand and Customer Loyalty Is Earned Not Given Freely

Brand and Customer Loyalty Is Earned Not Given Freely Consumer behavior and spending habits, customer needs, wants and expectations and customer satisfaction levels change constantly. There can be wide differences in the way that customers perceive an item or event when seeking services and products depending on diversity factors, such as, age, gender, race, ethnic … Read more

Customer Relations is Directly Tied to Keeping Your Word

Customer Relations is Directly Tied to Keeping Your Word Customer service training for employees must cover basic customer service skills (i.e. verbal and nonverbal communication, how to build and maintain customer relationships that can lead to customer and brand loyalty and overall customer satisfaction). It must also emphasize how to handle situations when something goes wrong and teach how to … Read more

Customer Service Quote – Robert Lucas

Customer Service Quote – Robert Lucas   “Effective customer service is often the deciding factor in a globally competitive world” Robert W. Lucas, Author of Please Every Customer. National Customer Service Week was established by the International Customer Service Association (ICSA) in 1988 as a way for businesses and organizations to recognize the efforts of … Read more

Handling Angry Customers

Handling Angry Customers There seem to be a number of issues that are driving the anger that many customers display when dealing with customer service representatives these days. Contributing factors might include the economy, displeasure with government, unemployment, perceived poor service in general and many other challenges facing society. The reality is that, as a … Read more

Serving Customers from Different Cultures

Serving Customers from Different Cultures Customer service representatives in the United States (U.S.) are often not prepared for the challenges of serving customers from different cultures. This is especially true related to understanding other cultural values and effectively communicating. This is often because many people have never traveled outside the borders of the Continental U.S., nor have … Read more

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