Non-verbal Communication Quote – Robert W. Lucas

Non-verbal Communication Quote – Robert W. Lucas Customer service representatives are often the first people with whom a current or potential customer comes into contact when reaching out to an organization. Their role is to quickly and professionally use their customer service skills to assist in resolving issues or concerns or providing products and services … Read more

Non-Verbal Communication Tips

Nonverbal Communication Tips – The Importance of Gestures in Customer Communication Never underestimate the power of nonverbal communication when interacting with your customers or others. The issue is so important that entire books have been written on the topic. This article provides some nonverbal communication tips related to gesturing that you may want to consider … Read more

Strengthening Customer Relationships With Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Strengthening Customer Relationships Strong Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills Can Make the Difference! We live in an era in which people from all over the world come together in various situations throughout any given day. They bring with them individual experiences, education levels, cultural and personal backgrounds, preferences, opinions, and perspectives. Any or all of these … Read more

Improving Verbal Communication with Customers

Improving Verbal Communication with Customers Many customer service representatives give little thought to the way that they sound to their customers. Typically, they have not received customer service skills training that addresses effective verbal communication. Similarly, they likely have not taken college or professional courses on effective interpersonal communication. The result is that they do not … Read more

Nonverbal Communication Skills in Customer Service

Nonverbal Communication Skills in Customer Service Effective nonverbal communication skills in customer service are the bedrock of understanding and customer satisfaction. This is especially true when dealing with people from different cultures. If you do not realize the power of the unspoken messages that you continually send with your body, you are likely destined for relationship breakdowns. … Read more

Use Positive Verbal Communication to Avoid Customer Relationship Breakdowns

Use Positive Verbal Communication to Avoid Customer Relationship Breakdowns Customer service representatives and their organizations spend a lot of time, effort and money creative a positive service culture designed to attract, nurture and retain customers. Because of this, it only makes sense that when you are interacting with your internal and external customers that you … Read more

The Power of Non-Verbal Communication Skills in Customer Service

The Power of Non-Verbal Communication Skills in Customer Service Like other customer service skills, nonverbal communication is a strong component of interactions between a customer service representative and current or potential customers. For example, nodding of the head is often used (and overused) by many customer service professionals people to signal agreement or to indicate that … Read more

Nonverbal Communication with Customers: Using Gestures to Build Strong Relationships

Nonverbal Communication with Customers: Using Gestures to Build Strong Relationships Using effective nonverbal communication with customers is a powerful way to send and receive messages that enhance your meaning and can lead to customer satisfaction. This is because many research studies have found that nonverbal cues often override verbal messages that you send. In these … Read more

Effective Verbal Communication Can Lead To Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention

Effective Verbal Communication Can Lead To Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention You may have heard that the expression is sometimes not what you, but how you say it that makes a difference. Nothing is truer when you are dealing with a multi-cultural, diverse customer base. In many situations, when customer service breaks down it can often … Read more

Nonverbal Communication in Customer Service

Nonverbal Communication in Customer Service The power of the eyes in communication has been known for centuries. This is demonstrated by a simple nonverbal communication quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 19th century. Projecting what he was saying to today’s workplace… nonverbal communication in customer service can take precedent over spoken words during an … Read more

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