What is Great Customer Service?

What is Great Customer Service? What is great customer service? This is a question often asked in my customer service workshops and by people trying to determine how to get the best value for their money when searching out businesses where they might spend it. Unfortunately, this is a very subjective question based on the person … Read more

Building Customer Relationships

Building Customer Relationships to Increase Customer Retention The only way for customer service representatives and their organizations to excel is by first building strong customer service relationships. By exhibiting stellar product and service knowledge and employing effective customer service skills, listening and communicating verbally and non verbally they are able to properly determine customer needs, wants and expectations. … Read more

The Importance of Customer Service Representatives in Organizational Success

The Importance of Customer Service Representatives in Organizational Success The business of customer service is all about people. Whether you are the CEO discussing strategic relationships with potential business partners, a salesperson sharing product or service information with a potential customer, a call center representative gathering information from a caller on the phone, or a … Read more

Positive Customer Service Experience at the Casselberry, Florida T-Mobile

Positive Customer Service Experience at the Casselberry, Florida T-Mobile When I ask learners or audience members in my training or presentation groups to relate a story of a recent customer service experience they had, I typically hear of a negative encounter that they remember. Unfortunately, that is the norm that many people who deal with service providers experience, especially … Read more

Customer Service Inspirational Quote – Sam Walton

Customer Service Inspirational Quote – Sam Walton “High Expectations are the key to everything.” – Sam Walton A key to being a successful customer service representative is gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with a changing global business environment. In today’s world, it is not enough for service providers to simply be knowledgeable … Read more

Body Language Impacts Customer Service

Body Language Impacts Customer Service In addition to verbal and written messages, you continually provide nonverbal cues that tell a lot about your personality, attitude, and willingness and ability to assist customers. Customers receive and interpret the messages you send, just as you receive and interpret their messages. By recognizing, understanding, and reacting appropriately to … Read more

Impact of the Eyes in Customer Service

Impact of the Eyes in Customer Service It has been said that the eyes are “the windows to the soul.” That is why some people and Westernized cultures place so much interest in making eye contact with others. This gives people a chance to potentially gauge meaning nonverbally from another person. Consider the following related … Read more

Three Customer Relationship Building Tips

Three Customer Relationship Building Tips Building effective customer relationships are crucial to creating and maintaining customer loyalty.  Every member of an organization should be continually looking for ways that they individually can enhance the bond between customers and service providers. These efforts can lead to enhanced customer and brand loyalty. The following are three simple tips … Read more

Two Tips for Building Strong Customer Relationships

Two Tips for Building Strong Customer Relationships Customers like doing business with those who understand them and their needs and go out of their way to deliver timely and quality services and products at a fair price. This can lead to consumer satisfaction and that is a big factor for many customers in remaining loyal … Read more

The Role of Gestures in Positive Customer Service

The Role of Gestures in Positive Customer Service The use of nonverbal communication with your head, hands, arms, and shoulders to accentuate verbal messages can add color, excitement, and enthusiasm to your interactions with customers. Using physical movements naturally during a conversation may either help make a point or result in added credibility. Typically, movements or gestures … Read more

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