Two Elements of Effective Customer Communication

Two Elements of Effective Customer Communication Two key elements in making your interactions with customers successful are to recognize how you tend to communicate and understanding how the communication process works. It is up to each customer service representative, and other employees in any organization, to take responsibility for developing his or her communication skills … Read more

Use Caution with Nonverbal Cues When Serving International Customers

Use Caution with Nonverbal Cues When Serving International Customers “I am so sorry! That’s not what I meant” is all the service provider could say after he inadvertently offended an international customer from Turkey by using what he believed to be a signal of reassurance (thumb and index finger forming an “O”).  In fact, due to a … Read more

Two Tips for Building Strong Customer Relationships

Two Tips for Building Strong Customer Relationships Customers like doing business with those who understand them and their needs and go out of their way to deliver timely and quality services and products at a fair price. This can lead to consumer satisfaction and that is a big factor for many customers in remaining loyal … Read more

Impact of Demographics on Consumer Spending

Impact of Demographics on Consumer Spending The world is shrinking as millions of consumers from various cultures and demographic backgrounds come together. In an age of lightning-fast technology and the ability to get onto a plane in the morning and be in another country within twenty-four hours, the likelihood that a customer service representative will … Read more

Strengthening Customer Communication

Strengthening Customer Communication Customers who feel that they have an active role and control of a service-provider interaction often feel more important and valued. Improved interpersonal communication can lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and retention and reduced stress for you and your co-workers. Take advantage of the following strategies to build stronger relationships … Read more

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